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Friday, December 31, 2010

NFTA Holiday (New Year's) Transportation

NFTA Holiday (New Year's) Transportation

Metro Rail Extends Service Dec. 31
Rail service is extended for Friday, December 31, till 2:00 A.M. to accommodate patrons attending the “First Night Buffalo and The Buffalo Ball Drop” The last outbound train will leave Erie Canal Harbor Station at 2:00 A.M. to accommodate patrons attending this event.

New Year's Eve Weekend Service
Friday December 31, 2010 - Weekday Schedule
Saturday January 1, 2011 - Sunday Schedule

"Due to recent changes in service, we are experiencing capacity issues on some buses. We are making modifications to insure everyone has a safe and comfortable ride. We apologize for any inconvenience during our period of adjustment. Thank you." - NFTA Metro Website

Route Changes as of December 26th 

Route 15 
Starting Dec. 26 Route 15 inbound and outbound trips will operate over Swan Street between Michigan and Emslie Street.

Route 46 Lancaster
Effective December 26, 2010Service is extended to Thruway Mall
Effective December 26, 2010Service is extended to Thruway Mall

Route 57 TonawandasEffective December 26, 2010Service is extended to Niagara Falls International Airport
(Editor's Note: You'll notice they took away the last 200 Express shuttle from Main and Niagara)

News and Comment:
Why didn;t the NFTA place more promotion on using Metro during the recent international  hockey tourney?
They set up special routes, but failed to promote them. Seriously, there is more to public relations then posting some information on the website and walking away. (Post - okay the public is informed.) No - Not really.

Why go and change routes without notice to the public (AGAIN?). The public depends on these buses to know where to interview, when they can work for their employers and there does not seem to be any communication to the riders. The whole point of public relations is to be communicating with your stakeholders. (The taxpayers and riders for example.) It is not like communicating would be expensive. NFTA still swaps traffic and transit reports for free advertising - right? So the changes could be advertising on the radio. (I never really liked that because then you have radio stations putting non-employees on the air and taking away from their staffs.

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