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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Daily Wrap Up: Ongoing Federal Efforts for the Winter Storm

Daily Wrap Up: Ongoing Federal Efforts for the Winter Storm
Posted by: Public Affairs

Earlier today FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano briefed President Obama by phone on preparations for the winter storm. [White House Readout]

This morning FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate held a video teleconference call to discuss the latest developments with the National Weather Service, partner agencies and regional representatives to assess their needs and readiness.

Administrator Fugate and the Deputy Director of the National Weather Service held a press conference call to discuss the latest developments with the storm and the ongoing federal efforts to support state and local officials as they prepare for and respond to the storm.

Deputy Administrator Serino and the Deputy Director of the National Weather Service held a conference call with congressional staff from the affected regions on the latest developments with the storm and to discuss the ongoing federal efforts to support state and local officials as they prepare for and respond to the storm.

Key Efforts
  • FEMA, through our regional offices in Kansas City, MO: Denton, TX: Chicago, IL; Atlanta, GA; Philadelphia, PA; New York, NY; and Boston, MA, continues to closely monitor the severe winter weather that is forecasted to impact the Midwest as far south as Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas early this week, and the northeastern United States by Wednesday.
  • We are in close contact and coordination with our state and federal partners, including the National Weather Service.
  • At the request of the states of Oklahoma and Arkansas, FEMA has deployed Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) members to the states, in order to help with coordination, should emergency response assistance be needed.  In addition, FEMA has deployed liaison officers to Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New Jersey and New York, at the request of the respective states, to help coordinate if additional support is needed.
  • FEMA has emergency commodities pre-staged across the United States should they be needed to support state and local emergency response operations.  FEMA distribution centers have a current inventory of more than 5 million liters of water, 3 million meals, 500,000 blankets, 110,000 cots and more than 500 power generators.
  • Of the commodities pre-staged across the nation, FEMA is proactively sending supplies to additional strategic locations, in case they become needed:
    • Oklahoma: To date, FEMA has moved roughly 57,000 liters of water, 56,000 meals, 2,400 blankets and 1,200 cots to State Logistics Areas in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and McAlester, Oklahoma.
    • Missouri: FEMA has already moved roughly 61,000 liters of water, 20,000 meals, 1,500 blankets, 700 cots to a State Logistics Area in Kansas City, MO. FEMA has also moved a 54-pack of power generators to a State Logistics Area in Eureka, Missouri. 
    • Kentucky: FEMA is currently transporting roughly 72,000 liters of water, 40,700 meals, 19,000 blankets, and 10,000 cots to a support base at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. FEMA has positioned 23 power generators at the base. 
    • Ohio: FEMA has positioned 20 power generators, provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.  
Overall Timeline of FEMA and Federal Actions

Saturday, January 29
  • FEMA begins coordinating with its regional offices in Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Denton, TX, Kansas City, MO, Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City, and state emergency operations centers in Indiana, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas to plan staging of commodities and resources. 
Sunday, January 30
  • FEMA deploys liaison officers to state emergency operations centers in Indiana, Kansas and Missouri.
  • FEMA begins to coordinate Incident Support Base locations at Will Rogers Air National Guard Base, and the Regional Food Bank in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and the Army Ammunition Plant in McAlester, Oklahoma.
  • FEMA continues constant contact with the Department of Homeland Security to provide regular updates on the storm’s developments. FEMA has also been in regular touch with Governors and local officials in the Midwest, the Southeast and up the East Coast.
Monday January 31
  • FEMA deploys Incident Management Assessment Team (IMAT) team members to Oklahoma and Arkansas to assist the state with coordination of planning and response operations. FEMA deploys a liaison officer to the state emergency operations center in Oklahoma. 
  • FEMA places on alert Incident Management Assessment Teams in its regional offices in New York City, Kansas City, Atlanta, Philadelphia and Denton to stand-by for deployment, if needed.
  • FEMA activates the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC), a multi-agency center based at FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C., that provides overall coordination of the federal response by bringing together federal departments and agencies to assist in the preparations for and response to disasters.
  • FEMA deploys liaison officers to emergency operations centers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and regional support personnel to New York.
  • FEMA moves roughly 57,000 liters of water, 56,000 meals, 2,400 blankets, 1,200 cots and a 54-pack of power generators to Incident Support Base (ISB) locations in Tulsa, Oklahoma City and McAlester, Oklahoma. In addition, FEMA has moved roughly 30,000 liters of water, more than 20,000 meals, 1,500 blankets, 700 cots to an Incident Support Base in Kansas City, MO.
  • FEMA holds a video teleconference with federal partners and regional representatives to assess needs and readiness.
Tuesday February 1
  • FEMA deploys liaison officers to state emergency operations centers in Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, New York, Oklahoma and Rhode Island. 
  • FEMA deploys members of Incident Management Assessment Teams (IMATs) to Pennsylvania and Indiana and places an IMAT on standby to be deployed to Kentucky, as needed, to assist states with coordination of planning and response operations.
  • FEMA places the National Incident Management Assessment Team-East (IMAT-East) and two Pacific Coast-based IMATs on alert to potentially provide additional planning and response coordination and operations support to Midwestern and East Coast states.
  • FEMA is deploying 20 power generators, provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to arrive at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.
  • In addition, FEMA is deploying approximately 31,000 liters of water to arrive at Kansas City, Missouri. FEMA is deploying a pack of 54 generators for staging at an Incident Support Base in Eureka, MO.
  • FEMA is deploying approximately 72,000 liters of water, roughly 20,000 meals, 10,000 blankets, and 10,000 cots to arrive at an Incident Support Base at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. FEMA is also positioning 23 power generators at the base.
  • FEMA holds a video teleconference with federal partners and regional representatives to assess needs and readiness.
  • FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano brief President Obama by phone on preparations for the winter storm.
  • Secretary Napolitano and Administrator Fugate brief members of Congress from the affected states on the preparations for the storm.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is maintaining readiness of its 13 on-call Disaster Medicals Assistance Teams (DMATs) which are part of the National Disaster Medical System, a federally coordinated system that augments the Nation's emergency medical response capability.  HHS is also maintaining its on-call Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) and Applied Public Health Teams (APHT) comprised of trained USPHS Commissioned Corps Officer Responders who can provide resources and assistance to State, Tribal and local health authorities throughout the nation.
  • HHS Critical Infrastructure is contacting private partners regarding potential need to re-supply hospitals and any potential shortages caused by power or transportation disruptions.
  • More than 1,170 National Guard members in six states (AR, MO, IL, IA, OK, and TX) have been mobilized by their governors and are preparing to assist their states in winter storm recovery efforts.  More than 600 Missouri National Guard members are already clearing roads, removing debris, and providing transportation and power generation. National Guardsmen and women in several others states also are expected to be mobilized due to anticipated severe winter weather.
  • At the request of FEMA, the U.S. Department of Defense, through U.S. Northern Command, has provided several facilities to use as Incident Support Bases, which are supply and equipment staging locations. These facilities include the McAlester Ammunition Depot in OK; the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in OH; and Fort Campbell in KY.
Wednesday February 2
  • FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano briefed President Obama by phone on preparations for the winter storm.
  • FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate held a video teleconference call to discuss the latest developments with the National Weather Service, partner agencies and regional representatives and to assess their needs and readiness.
  • Administrator Fugate and the Deputy Director of the National Weather Service held a press conference call to discuss the latest developments with the storm and the ongoing federal efforts to support state and local officials as they prepare for and respond to the storm.
  • Deputy Administrator Serino and the Deputy Director of the National Weather Service held a conference call with congressional staff from the affected regions on the latest developments with the storm and to discuss the ongoing federal efforts to support state and local officials as they prepare for and respond to the storm.
  • FEMA has moved an additional 31,000 liters of water to Kansas City, Missouri.
  • The American Red Cross is supporting sheltering operations in as many as nine states. 
  • HHS Critical Infrastructure has deployed 5 personnel and teams remain on call for deployment.

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